Friday, November 21, 2008

It's a Girl


Silhouette of a womanWe guess is written by a woman (57%), however it's quite gender neutral.

Thanks to George (Georgia?) and the Gender Analyzer and Julia Kristeva, and yes, we just gotta have fun.


John Guzlowski said...

I didn't know.

Why didn't any body tell me?

What kind of place is this?

Anonymous said...

Hah. It says it is 99% certain that threeForks is written by a man.

Marty said...

John, what did you think all that flirting over coffee was about?

Liz, of course cooking talk is totally macho with all that cutting and chopping and dicing going on.

George said...

Hey, you're even more girlie than my blog! Must be that poetry stuff.