Saturday, February 28, 2009

Listen Up


George said...

Thanks for pointing me to Beirut--just what I need, another band to like!

Marty said...

Which means I have to pass along thanks to Elizabeth . . . . I love the cuts you posted, but I thought, why duplicate them?

George said...

Yeah, I was hoping that if people did this they'd post different cuts so we could get more of the album up. And then you and Regina did just that, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Marty, you don't know me, but we may share a common concern. I was just home visiting my parents in Fresno, CA, and the discussion came up about Daisy Wallace. So I did a search, and your blog came up. The Daisy Wallace I'm looking for lost her mother and family in a house fire back in the '60's sometime, and then lost her father in a car accident a couple years later. To my knowledge, her sister Beverly also survived the fire. Is this the same Daisy you mentioned in your blog? If so, could you email me at Thank you.